Friday 9 October 2009

Flying – Illustration Friday

The image above was created using Brushes on the iphone. Brushes is a bit like finger painting without the fun of the mess.  In my head there is a little cartoon that goes with this of the pilot's face as he creates the loop the loops as quickly as possible before the skywriting smoke dissipates. Then as he cuts the smoke to make the gallant climb to form the dot, cuts the smoke again and gives a little smile of triumph. Only to swear when he realises he has switched the smoke back on again.

When I master brushes properly I might re do this and try to capture the sky blue pink shot with a carrot contrails of a polluted summer sunset.  Contrails are a topic of concern for cloud spotters; for more information look at the Cloud Appreciation Society.

This week has been one of discussions on handwriting and learning the skills of 'joined-up' and spelling, especially 'ing words so the topic seems even more apt.  Who remembers copperplate or the initial teaching alphabet, spelling tests that taught you to spell but not necessarily how to spell and there is a difference?


  1. Well, that's a simple nice image! Clever interpretation.

  2. I don't think I'm artistic either and feel a bit of a sham doing illustration Friday - but I do have ideas; so I have decided to try and execute them anyway, encouraged in part by the friendly comments received here.


I always enjoy reading comments, if you have the time please leave a little something to share.........