The White Rabbit's Picture Quiz
I have created a quiz for the Expo on Saturday. I hope you would like to join in, uploading has proved tricky so you may need to do some zooming, or click on the pictures to open in new window. To really take part you will need to come to Dennington on Saturday to find the two hidden clues. Good luck, feel free to post answers in the comments but I will only publish after the event. It will help you to know that the theme for this year's expo is 'Time' If you tweet me I will let you know how many you have right, but not which ones.
White Rabbit’s Quiz – Answer sheet - inidcates number of words and relative but not exact length of words
1 _________ ___________ ______________
2 _______ ____________
3 _______ ____ _____ _____________
4 _______ ____ _______________
5 ________ ____ _____ ____ _____________________
6 ________ __________ _____
7 ________ _______ _________
8 ________ ______ _________
9 ________ __________
10 Fan __________________________________
Gloves ______________________________________
Oh, I do love a quiz!